Phishing reputation service

Phishing reputation service

Phishsense is a phishing reputation service aimed at providing advanced knowledge regarding phishing attacks. Combining multiple datasets and feeds regarding known incidents, Phishsense can help companies to improve the ongoing defence processes for identification, mitigation and prevention of phishing attacks, regardless from where the threat comes. Phishsense is the main outcome of the WAFFLE Project (Web Application Firewall for Large-scale phishing attacks, funded by Eit-Digital) and aimed at developing a last generation web application firewall for large-scale phishing attacks.



Pluribus One S.r.l.

Via Bellini 9, 09128, Cagliari (CA)


PEC: pluribus-one[at]


Legal entity

Share capital: € 10008

VAT no.: 03621820921

R.E.A.: Cagliari 285352


University of Cagliari

  Pluribus One is a spin-off of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy

